Genes for Jeans day at SJB
[gallery ids="10061,10059,10055"] On Friday, we celebrated Genes for Jeans day and asked everyone to come in wearing their jeans. Thanks to everyone who took part and donated!...
[gallery ids="10061,10059,10055"] On Friday, we celebrated Genes for Jeans day and asked everyone to come in wearing their jeans. Thanks to everyone who took part and donated!...
[gallery ids="10050,10051,10052"] In Art, Cherry class had a closer look at a map of our local area and they had a go at drawing their own...
[gallery ids="10044,10045,10046,10047"] Year 5 were learning football skills in P.E this week. They tried out new skills!...
[gallery ids="10039,10040,10041"] Year 4 Explorer trip to investigate entry points to the underground. For our topic 'London Underground'....
[gallery ids="10036,10035"] We have had lots of fun in Nursery this week. We have been enjoying lots of outdoor play and we have been getting creative with sticks, leaves and play dough....
[gallery ids="10025,10024,10023,10022,10021,10020"] In this week's Geography lesson, students created a chronological timeline in groups of four. The roles included: scribe, planning officer, illustrator and director. The timeline included events during the transatlantic slavery movement. Some learning takeaways from the lesson included: Plantation owners sold crops to...
[gallery ids="10010,10011"] Reception have had a fantastic start in phonics, learning set 1 sounds and using their Fred talk to spell words. ...
[gallery ids="10005,10006,10007"] We thoroughly enjoyed returning back to our church assembly this week. We learnt about the story of David and Goliath. Children read prayers and we worshiped together....
Reception have had an amazing first week exploring their new environment and have settled in so well!...
[gallery ids="9929,9930,9931,9932"] Chestnut have been preparing speeches to stand for the various elected roles in the school. This is a great opportunity to practise public speaking and making persuasive arguments. We have also been enjoying Spanish on a Friday afternoon with Profe (Teacher) Enrique....