[gallery ids="9870,9869,9868,9867"] It was lovely to see out breakfast club up and running again. We have had lots of fun playing games and catching up with each other!...
[gallery ids="9862,9863"] Well done to our KS1 award winners this week. What a great start to a new year!...
[gallery ids="9859,9858,9857,9856"] Chestnut have been learning about The Windrush Generation which they explored through a conscience alley where one person listened to all the different reasons to stay and all the different reasons to go before making up their mind. A great opportunity to explore an...
[gallery ids="9846,9845,9844,9843"] In Palm Class we have been reading ‘kindness grows’ - we thought of many ways that we can be kind and wrote our ideas on leaves. We then used our leaves to make a kindness tree....
Year 1 went to Shoreditch park this afternoon as a reward for their amazing work and effort this year! [gallery ids="9768,9767,9766"] ...
[gallery ids="9757,9756,9755"] Well done to our fantastic Year 5's who took part in sports day this week! Thank you to all the parents who came to spectate....
Our Year 6's celebrated the end of a fantastic year with a special leavers lunch this week...