[gallery ids="7941,7940,7939,7938"] This week Year 3 helped pick up litter in our playground. They worked together with our caretaker to get our playground looking lovely and clean. They were such great helpers....
This term in Rowan Tree for DT, children have been learning all about Benin, and in particular, about traditional Benin cloth. They are in the process of making their own version of a traditional Benin cloth. This week, they drew their designs onto cardboard and...
[gallery ids="7736,7737,7738"] In our maths lessons, Rowan Tree have been learning how to add using column addition. Here are some pictures of them hard at work this week retrieving knowledge from last lesson and last year before moving onto their column addition problem solving lesson. ...
[gallery ids="7733,7732,7731,7730,7729"] This week in PE year 3 practiced their NFL skills. They practiced drills which helped their throwing and catching skills....
Our focus in RE this half term has been on the Jewish faith. This week, students learned the importance of the Ten Commandments for Jewish people and then worked in small groups to write five commandments they believe would help society live well together....
[gallery ids="7627,7626,7625,7624"] We have been learning how to celebrate the achievements of ourselves and others. Here are some moments we are proud of....
[gallery ids="7578,7579"] KS2 enjoyed a morning of live music from the Apollo Music string quartet. They will be working with Year 4 and 5 over the next few weeks, exposing them to the world of classical music ...
[gallery ids="7447,7449,7448"] This week seven of our children attended Hackney Church to perform for iSing Pop. They had a great time and sounded amazing. We are very proud of them!...