[gallery ids="7958,7956,7957"] Reception had a great first time showing their adult’s our provision this Welcome Wednesday! ...
[gallery ids="7953,7952,7951,7950,7949"] This week, painting club explored different colours. They discussed the colour wheel and experimented for themselves....
[gallery ids="7941,7940,7939,7938"] This week Year 3 helped pick up litter in our playground. They worked together with our caretaker to get our playground looking lovely and clean. They were such great helpers....
This week in reception we have been looking at people who help us in our community. So far we have used lots of role play and creative making to learn about fire fighters, hairdressers and doctors. [gallery ids="7834,7835,7836"]...
[gallery ids="7791,7792,7793,7794"] In Oak class, we were learning about making good choices to be healthy. We had a great discussion about how to have a balanced diet and what foods to eat that are good for us....
In today’s maths lesson we were able to show and explain that addition is commutative. We used bar models and equations to show commutativity. [gallery ids="7786,7787,7788"]...
Well done to all of our KS1 award winners this week! [gallery ids="7780,7783,7782,7781"]...
[gallery ids="7773,7777,7776,7775,7774"] In Cherry class we learning about division this week. We used different objects to help us with our equations...
Maple have been looking at Roman society and particularly the role of women. They have been writing letters to a member of the senate to try to persuade them that women deserve greater equality. Writing formal letters and employing persuasive devices is a real test...