Spotacular day!
We loved seeing so many creative and spotty outfits for Spotacular day...
Dear St John the Baptist Families, This week I have received an email from Dame Rachel De Souza, who is the Children’s Commissioner for England. She is conducting a campaign called The Big Ambition and is trying to gather views from young people across the...
Dear St John the Baptist Families,
This week I have received an email from Dame Rachel De Souza, who is the Children’s Commissioner for England. She is conducting a campaign called The Big Ambition and is trying to gather views from young people across the country so that these can be fed back to politicians before the next General Election.
I encourage your child to complete it. This is a valuable opportunity for young people’s voices to be heard. The Survey is for children from 6-18 years of age but you can support your child to complete. You can access the link here.
As the nights get darker and the weather turns colder, we are beginning to plan ahead for Christmas at St John the Baptist. Our Nativity preparations have begun, as have our plans for the Christmas Fayre on Tuesday 12th of December. Please do let us know if you can help in these preparations. Thank you to those who have already volunteered to make some cakes and help set up. A huge thanks to Kirk’s mum, Charlotte for donating many items and putting together all the hampers. Please send back in the raffle tickets and money as soon as you have sold the tickets!
Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes, Toni Mason
St John the Baptist was proud to support Children in Need today and raise money for this excellent cause. Thank you to everyone for joining in with such enthusiasm: the many Spot-tacular outfits were fabulous. So many talented families making homemade outfits – they were brilliant. We raised over £130.
Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December 2023 are Children’s Progress Meetings from 3.40pm. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s class teacher, hear and see what your child has been learning in class and discuss your child’s next steps. You will need to book a time slot to meet your child’s teacher. Booking information will be out next week.
This week in school we celebrated anti-bullying week. This year’s theme is Make Some Noise! We started off the week with a great assembly and explored key issues.
Anti-Bullying Week has a history dating back to the early 2000s and has since grown into a nationwide event in many countries. It is rooted in the belief that everyone has the right to live free from bullying and harassment.
Here at St John the Baptist we take a zero tolerance approach to any incidents of bullying. It is important to us that all our children feel safe and happy.
Too often, we are silent when we see bullying take place, silent about the hurt bullying causes, and silent when we hear bullying dismissed as ‘just banter’. Together, we can make a difference and take a stand against bullying.
We are thrilled to say we are selling tickets now!
They are £1 a strip (5 tickets).
Your child will have brought home some for you to buy, please do ask for more if needed at the office.
We are also selling them at the office so do pop in.
We now operate an a nearly new uniform shop. Please visit the school office and have a look at the many items we have available.
Can you please help us?
To make this a success we will be dependent on the generosity of parents and carers donating their children’s uniforms when they have finished with them. All funds raised go straight to our various fundraising projects and therefore benefit all the children in the school. Donations of uniform and PE kit can be left at Reception, in school hours, all year round.
Thank you for supporting the school.
We loved seeing so many creative and spotty outfits for Spotacular day...
In Oak class, our unit is into the woods. We collected natural materials such as leaves and created collages of our faces....
In Art, Maple have been using carbon-paper to trace images of famous and inspirational people from our ‘Young and Gifted’ topic...
We would like to say a big thank you to Charlotte, Kirk’s mum who has donated some of the prizes and made up all of the hampers for this years Christmas raffle. Tickets are £1 for a strip and can be purchased at the school......
Today in Cherry class we took a trip to the local market. We bought produce to create a balanced dish, linking to our science unit this term. We really enjoyed learning to cut safely and especially loved trying our creations....
This week in year 6, we had great discussions trying to make our own groups and links with key vocabulary related to Nativity story. Different groups made different links which was interesting to debate why...