Violin Lessons
Here are some of our students in their violin lesson. They have been practising different rhythms and learning to play with an accompaniment....
Welcome to our new E-Newsletter! Dear Families, We hope you have had a lovely half term and were able to spend time with friends and family. Please see the upcoming events list for all the wonderful experiences we have this half term at St John...
Dear Families,
We hope you have had a lovely half term and were able to spend time with friends and family.
Please see the upcoming events list for all the wonderful experiences we have this half term at St John the Baptist.
A couple of key events we would like to draw your attention to in this newsletter:
Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th December 2023 are Children’s Progress Meetings from 3.40 – 6pm. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s class teacher, hear and see what your child has been learning in class and discuss your child’s next steps. You will need to book a time slot to meet your child’s teacher. Booking information will follow in the coming weeks.
We are kindly asking for donations of items for our popular Christmas Raffle. Donations may include: Unused and unopened toiletries / sets ; activities, gamnes and books for children and gifts / homewares.
Please bring your donations in as soon as possible to the main school office. Raffle tickets will go on sale soon.
Thank you so much to Tara and her team for the work they are doing to support our community. It was great to hear her speak about “It takes a village” initiative this week. Watch this space for more information.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes, Toni Mason
Our theme has been – ‘Many Voices; Many Choices’
It was great to end Black History Month on a high with a delicious Carribbean feast on Tuesday 31st December. Thanks to Donna and her team.
Thank you also to all the children and staff who engaged in learning about significant figures, past and present, who have made a difference in our world. We can’t wait to keep learning through our Rise Up! Curriculum and our special posters around the school.
We now operate an a nearly new uniform shop. Please visit the school office and have a look at the many items we have available.
Can you please help us?
To make this a success we will be dependent on the generosity of parents and carers donating their children’s uniforms when they have finished with them. All funds raised go straight to our various fundraising projects and therefore benefit all the children in the school. Donations of uniform and PE kit can be left at Reception, in school hours, all year round.
Thank you for supporting the school.
Here are some of our students in their violin lesson. They have been practising different rhythms and learning to play with an accompaniment....
This week Year 1 have been looking at the different instrument families in the orchestra...
In Apple Tree, we have been thinking and learning about Autumn. We are reading ‘Leaf Man’ which inspired us to go on a leaf hunt. We collected many leaves and drew what we could see....
This week year 5 explored their senses by describing the things they touched, smelt, tasted and heard. They used this activity to help them with their creative writing skills as this week they wrote about making disgusting medicine!...
This week in Fig class we have been getting creative. We created our own leaf people using eyes, lollipop sticks and other crafts....
Maple have been learning about conductors and insulators and discovering that electricity can flow through all of us! Holding hands completes the circuit and the energy stick lights up! ...