It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at SJB
Hazel tree class enjoyed putting up the Christmas tree today. [gallery ids="6732,6733"]...
Hazel tree class enjoyed putting up the Christmas tree today. [gallery ids="6732,6733"]...
Music meets computing in Hazel tree this week as they begin creating their compositions on the app Isle of Tune. They were so focused that they didn’t want to stop! [gallery ids="6675,6676"] ...
In Hazel class, we looked at protest poems and wrote our own. We then performed these to the class. They were across a range subjects and a variety of ways - watch this space as we’ll be presenting them as! [gallery ids="6577,6576,6575,6574"] ...
We have been learning about the importance of the sugar boycott and students have been researching, designing, adapting and creating their own version of a sugar bowl. Using acrylic paint on clay, students created a unique design. Our artist focus has been Lubaina Himid, a...
In Plum in RE, we looked at and discussed important words and names from the Nativity story. We grouped them and then created a ‘diamond 9’ based on their importance. Then, in pairs, we gave reasons for why we’d ranked them this way, before sharing...
This week in year 6, we had great discussions trying to make our own groups and links with key vocabulary related to Nativity story. Different groups made different links which was interesting to debate why [gallery ids="6291,6292,6293,6294"]...
We completed our unit on the enslavement trade by creating clay sugar bowls. We worked with our Artist in Residence, Natalie, to research and then create them based on the anti-slavery sugar boycott. [gallery ids="6267,6268,6269,6270"] ...
[gallery ids="6114,6113,6112,6111,6110"] We are delighted to host our first Black History Month showcase earlier this week. We welcomed Angelina Blackwood who wowed us on the guitar, and had pupils displaying and performing their works. These included dance, singing, art, poetry and a sporting presentation. Well done and...
[gallery ids="6103,6102,6101"] This week the year 6's received their blazers!...
[gallery ids="6088,6089,6090"] Hazel class visited the Hackney Museum to participate in a workshop based around some prominent figures from Hackney's history. After learning about them, we worked together in groups to create short performances...