Maths in Year 1
This week in maths we were counting in tens. In this lesson we learned about numbers 30 - 40. We worked in partners to make numbers from 30 - 40 using base ten manipulatives! [gallery ids="10303,10302,10301"] ...
This week in maths we were counting in tens. In this lesson we learned about numbers 30 - 40. We worked in partners to make numbers from 30 - 40 using base ten manipulatives! [gallery ids="10303,10302,10301"] ...
[gallery ids="10148,10149,10150,10151,10152"] This week in Year 1 we were reading ‘The Queen’s Hat’ we designed beautiful hats for a queen by drawing some famous London landmarks....
[gallery ids="10134,10133,10132"] Our phonics groups are up and running. The children are really enjoying learning sounds, reading with partners and blending words....
Year 1 went to Shoreditch park this afternoon as a reward for their amazing work and effort this year! [gallery ids="9768,9767,9766"] ...
[gallery ids="9570,9569,9568,9567,9566,9565"] A big well done to our KS1 award winners this week!...
[gallery ids="9535,9534,9533,9532,9531,9530"] Well done to Year 1 who had their sports day on Tuesday. Everyone tried their best and did a great job! A big thanks to the parents who came to spectate....
Year 1 had a visit from the National Youth Orchestra and they enjoyed a morning of singing and live music. [gallery ids="9514,9512,9513,9515,9511"] ...
In art Oak class created their own jelly fish using recycled plastic bottles. This was linked to our topic of ‘Blue Planet’ where we looked at different animals that live in the water. They had an amazing and fun time taking part in this activity...