PSHE in Year 2
[gallery ids="12253,12252,12251,12250"] This week Cherry class learned more about anxiety and what it feels like. We discussed the different ways our body feels when we are scared or nervous....
[gallery ids="12253,12252,12251,12250"] This week Cherry class learned more about anxiety and what it feels like. We discussed the different ways our body feels when we are scared or nervous....
[gallery ids="12247,12246,12245"] Year 5 were lucky enough to be able to go to the cinema this week to watch Kensuke’s Kingdom, an adaptation of the Michael Morporgo book that they had all recently read. There were a few tears at the end of the film!...
[gallery ids="12237,12238,12239,12240,12241,12242"] Chestnut have been learning about forces and carrying out a fair test to determine how the design of parachutes can slow descent through air resistance....
This week, our 2 year olds have been enjoying painting. They have created some wonderful pictures! ...
We made our perfect lunches using inspiration from our book ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ ...