Numeracy day in Year 1
FOR Numeracy day year 1 made their very own number blocks rocket! They had an amazing time creating these...
Dear Families, Today marks the end of another amazing half term of learning here at St John the Baptist. I, and all the staff, are truly proud of the progress that all pupils have made this half term. The best part of my...
Dear Families, Today marks the end of another amazing half term of learning here at St John the Baptist. I, and all the staff, are truly proud of the progress that all pupils have made this half term. The best part of my job as Headteacher is when children drop into my office on a daily basis to share their work and tell me about their wonderful things they have learnt in their lessons with such enthusiasm and a love of learning. I would like to say a big thank you to all the teacher’s, support staff, Joy, the office team, kitchen staff, lunchtime duty team and Pedro for everything they have done to make this term so successful. It has been a very busy and exciting term filled with multiple achievements: Year Six taking their end of Key Stage SATs, trips to Hackney Empire for professional musical performances, a successful runners-up entry into the Wild City competition in Year 5, year 1 going swimming for the first time, children in Key Stage 2 achieving in National mathematics competitions, preparing to send 5 of our year 5 singers to teach others music in Portugal, and celebrating lots of amazing events such as Mental Health Awareness Week amongst many others. I am already looking forward to our final half term, which is already jam-packed with lots of exciting events. Please look out for our upcoming dates poster. As we approach the holidays, I urge everyone to stay safe and return refreshed and ready to learn on Monday 3rd June. Let’s make this final half term of the school year a memorable one! Warm regards, Ms Toni Mason It has been lovely to share with parents at various coffee mornings that Katy Dean from the front office has been appointed as the SEND Co assistant. She will continue to be in the office and through the day also be working as SEND Co assistant. As part of her role she organises the Annual reviews for children who have an EHCP as well as coordinate the many professionals who we access to help our children. Please do ask her questions about SEND . We have advertised and are appointing a new SEND Co for September at the moment but in the meantime Maya Dowling is joining us to help out until then. She will be in 3 days a week starting after the break and is an experienced SEND Co. So please do watch out for her on the gates to say hello. Here are some great ideas for the May half term break: Hackney Holiday activities and food programme is running for all pupils that are eligible for free school meals. They run a range of exciting and free activities in a variety of locations across Hackney. Please see their website for further details and information on how to book as places are limited. There are a wide range of different sessions throughout the week being being run by the Hackney Play Schemes and Activities. Please see this guide and then follow the instructions should you wish to book. There are lots of local libraries in Hackney, and they are all offering free activities. Visit the Love Hackney website for details. There are also lots of different youth centres and youth hubs for young people in Hackney. Young Hackneys website is a great place to start. Please spread the word to friends and neighbours if they have children who are 2 and 3 years-old – applications are now being considered. Apply quickly for 2 year-old and 3 year-old Nursery places if your (or their) child was born between Sept 1st 2020 and 31st Aug 2022. All applications are now easier as they are online and with the new funding outlined by the government more parents can access FREE 2 year old and 3 year old Nursery places. Here is the link to apply.
Wednesday 5th June – 8:45am Coffee Morning for Year 4 Parents and Carers The Year 4 Multiplication Times table check – What are doing at SJB and what you can do at home Wednesday 12th June – 8:45am Coffee Morning for all Parents – Smart phones and children’s safety. FOR Numeracy day year 1 made their very own number blocks rocket! They had an amazing time creating these... Year 4 have been writing a narrative about going undercover to work in a Victorian factory and expose how children were often made to work. Today, they are publishing their best piece of writing and it’s great to see them taking such pride in their...... In this lesson, students created a periscope to observe over, around and through different obstacles and objects which was prevented by a direct line of sight! We have recently been learning about the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection, we proved this with...... This week SJB took part in Badu’s athletic festival. Everybody who took part did an amazing job and we are very impressed with you all.... In Year 6, we have been looking at how light travels. We know that it travels as a wave, in a straight line, and so used this knowledge to create periscopes, meaning we could see over things in outline of sight!... Oak class had an amazing time in the library this week. The children had a nice time choosing a book of their own choice and enjoyed having one of their favourite books being read to them... Year 2 have created their own Bug Hotel (microhabitat) in science, using different materials. In the new term we will put it outside and explore the different insects that will enjoy it... In science we have been learning about light: reflection, fractures, producers and absorbers. We created an art piece that celebrates our new Science unit learning. We also incorporated the incredible phenomenon The Northern Lights! A mystical event that recently occurred right here! In the UK!...... We have been having lots of fun outside in the sunshine! We went in a worm hunt and identified parts of them, found other minibeasts and celebrated with a bubble party!... In RE, Rowan Tree have been learning all about the Buddhist faith and what the Buddha teaches his followers about life. This week, they acted out the story of ‘The Monkey King’. From this, they understood the duties of a ruler to look after their...... Hazel Tree class have started their topic on World War Two this week. To begin, we identified and labelled the countries who were on the different Allies and Axis sides in order to understand just how large impact the impact of this event had....
SEND Support at SJB
Half term activities
Nursery Applications – Apply Now!
Upcoming Coffee mornings:
In the news this week…
Numeracy day in Year 1
Writing in Year 4
Science in Year 6
BADU Athletics Festival
Learning about how light travels in Year 6
Year 1 go to the library
Bug Hotels in Year 2
The Northern Lights in Year 6
Fun in the sunshine in Reception
Learning about Buddhism in Year 3
Learning about World War 2 in Year 6