Our vision is to give our children a Science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the world around them, resulting in a deeper understanding. This involves exciting, practical hands-on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning.
We aim for these stimulating and challenging experiences to help secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary. We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident learners, who will explore the world by posing insightful and inquisitive questions about the world around them.
Within every lesson children will have opportunities to develop their ‘working scientifically’ skills. These skills are taught through and clearly related to the teaching of substantive science content include collecting data, pattern seeking, identifying and classifying. Through completing practical enquiries and exploring ideas children will be given the opportunity to develop a strong core skill set including: predicting, experimenting and evaluating. Within the children’s learning they will be encouraged to work collaboratively and communicate their ideas effectively whilst using a range of scientific language.
Throughout the school we have two main aims for Science learning. Firstly, we aim to provide our children with a thorough foundation in Scientific knowledge and skills that will support their successful transition into secondary school learning. Secondly, we aim to instil in the children a curiosity and enthusiasm for Science.
Children study a broad range of scientific topics throughout their time at the school. Each year group will have blocks of Science learning during the year. Every topic will begin with a key question being posed to the children to encourage discussion and stimulate interest.
Within each topic, children will be ‘working scientifically’ and expanding their scientific vocabulary and subject knowledge. Through completing practical enquiries and exploring ideas children will be given the opportunity to develop a strong core skill set including: predicting, experimenting and evaluating. Within the children’s learning they will be encouraged to work collaboratively and communicate their ideas effectively whilst using a range of scientific language.
An essential aspect of Science is its practical nature. Alongside practical enquiries, classes will take part in trips, for example to the Natural History Museum and Hackney City Farm, and may be involved in Science workshops delivered by organisations visiting the school to stimulate further learning.